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Cock a Leekie Soup

This is a British peasant soup with variations as numerous as regions. Add another; the Pacific Northwest. I didn't go the long route using a chicken and leeks for the stock. I used the shortcut of starting with my own chicken stock. Having many quarts stored in the freezer, I could whip this soup up quickly. The only draw back is not having any chicken meat to add at the end when serving. I thought about that while at the store and took a peek at the chicken breast in the butcher's section. One package cost over $14.00!!! Whoa, this is PEASANT soup - we'll wing it without the bird.

Leeks are pretty high brow around here, too. I love them and thought them necessary to make cock a leekie soup. Without the 'cock' and without the 'leekie', what the heck would this soup be? A true peasant soup, indeed.

Kosher Status: Meat
Number of servings: 6 - 8
Main Ingredient(s): Rice - Short Grain White, Leeks
Preparation Time: 00:20
Cooking Time: 00:30
Skill Level: 1 - Easy (1 Easy - 5 Hard)
Estimated POINT value:


  • 2 quarts chicken stock, homemade or store bought
  • 1 cup long grain rice
  • Enough trimmed leeks to yield 4 cups
  • Enough peeled carrots to yield 2 cups
  • a little vegetable oil for the saute pan


Empty 2 quarts of chicken stock into pot. I've left the fat on top to melt into the stock for added flavor. Add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil.

When stock is boiling, add 1 cup of long grain rice. I used brown Basmati but I'm sure long grain white is the more traditional route. Turn down the stock to a slow boil. Cook for 10 minutes.

Prep the leeks by trimming away the tough green section and root end. Slice the length of the leek cutting it in half. Cut into 3/4" pieces. Wash well to remove all dirt and check for bugs. Rinse well. Set aside.

Peel the carrots and trim the ends. We decided to cut them into thin match sticks. Traditionally, I believe they are grated.

Saute the leeks and carrots in a little vegetable oil until wilted. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Add the carrots and leeks to the stock and rice. Cook on a slow simmer for 20 minutes. The vegetables will be tender and the rice exploded.

Adjust salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

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Cock a Leekie Soup

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